"Those who are generous
are blessed , for they share
their bread with the poor."
Proverbs 22:9
President: Mary G. Gonzales
Vice President/Treasurer: Janie Beltran
Secretary: Dolores Navarro
Maria G. Castillo: Spiritual Advisor
Member: Mary Magna
Member: Tomasa Solis
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
History: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was started in 1833 in Paris, France by Frederic Ozanam, our patron saint. There are over 800,000 members and the Society is present in five continents. Today, the Society has over 900 members in 41 Conferences across Central Texas.
Our Mission: Our mission is to bring faith and hope alive through service to others, one neighbor at a time.
Who we are: We provide services to those in need in the Caldwell County area with financial assistance with utilities, medication cost, and food from the food pantry. Our ministry does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, or orientation.
Our office is located behind the St. Mary’s Parish office at 205 W. Pecan St. Our number is 512-395-5005. The office is open by appointment only. Calls are answered Monday-Thursday, 8:00-5:00. Please leave a message with your full name, phone number, and assistance needed. Calls will be returned in the order received.
We are blessed with Fr. Ramiro’s support and thankful to the parishioners for the monetary donations and food contributions to our ministry. We have six active members and six associate members who assist the ministry as needed.
If you are interested and received the call to serve your neighbor in need, please contact us by email at [email protected]. All members are required to attend Virtus and Ozanam training.
Current Members:
Mary G. Martinez, President
Janie Beltran, Vice President/Treasurer
Maria G. Castillo, Spiritual Advisor
Dolores Navarro, Secretary
Mary Magana
Tomasa Solis
Six Associate Members