St Mary’s Catholic Church pro life ministry received gifts for Angel Tree . Donations go to Catholic Charities of Austin, St John Paul II Center In Austin, Chisolm trail rehab/ Nursing Center & St. Vincent De Paul ministry in Lockhart .Making a difference every holiday season!
Respect Life Vision- To affirm the dignity of human life, embracing the certain reality that society must respect, defend, and promote life at every moment and in every condition, without regard to distinction.
This ministry focuses on encouraging education of the parish and community on life issues by distributing literature, organizing activities, organizing approved speakers to give talks on pro-life issues. These activities are coordinated in collaboration with parish coordinators of faith formation.
Pastoral care to those in need is important to parochial ministry. It is in this way that the Church expresses concern for all people. Three major ministries in our diocese emanate from this pillar:
(1) Gabriel Project, (2) Project Rachel, and (3) Sidewalk Ministry.
The Gabriel Project is primarily responsible for the organization of the Gabriel Project apostolate within the parish. It receives referrals from the Pro-Life Help Line and delegates those mothers to parish Gabriel Angels. The Gabriel Project coordinator is trained as a Gabriel Angel.
Project Rachel educates the parish on the need and opportunities for post-abortive healing and promotes Project Rachel retreats and trainings for priests, counselors and spiritual directors in post-abortive healing. With the approval of the Office of Pro-Life Activities, in coordination with the pastor, a trained Rachel Angel may form a Project Rachel Support Group.
Sidewalk Ministry encourages prayerful and peaceful outreach at abortion facilities. Those involved in this ministry advertise prayer vigils or Sidewalk Angel trainings, seek to educate the parish on their responsibility to pray for the abortion facility that has the greatest impact on their community, and work with other Sidewalk Ministry coordinators, primarily through Team Coordinators.
Respect Life Ministry is looking for men &women to join their ministry. They are a very small group and would like to expand their ministry to be able to do more in and around our church and community. If you are interested or want more information, please call the parish office for contact name and phone number.
Yvonne Maciel
Terry Henderson
Julie Hitter
Joann Button
Debbie Sanders
Hilda Wilt
Linda Rodriguez
Bau Bohez
Catherine Richardson