St. Vincent de Paul
Thrift Store truck Austin will be
here to pick up your donations.
Saturday, October 26th from
10am-2pm at our Pecan Street Parking Lot.
Unacceptable items are: NO hazardous materials, paint,
batteries, tires, mattresses, metal bed frames, baby
strollers or baby furniture, play pens, cribs or car seats.
Textbooks, Broken, soiled, or torn items, toys, furniture,
mirrors, or appliances. Blinds, televisions with tubes, or
food. For more information call Mary Martinez-SVDP
Director @ 512-620-2465 or the parish office. Please do
not leave your donations on the church grounds before
or after the hours posted above.
November 2nd Turkey Plate sale from 11AM-2PM under
the pavilion. Venta de plato de pavo el 2 de Noviembre
de las 11AM a 2PM debajo del pabellón. The Jamaica
committee would like volunteers to cook turkeys and
prepare dressing. El comité solicita voluntarios para
ayudar ornear pavos y preparar relleno para la venta de
platos de pavo. If interested in volunteering for cooking
turkeys or preparing dressing, please reach out to
Jamaica Chair or any Jamaica committee member. Por
favor comuníquese con cabecera del comité de la
Jamaica Irene Sanchez o algún miembro del comité si
interesado en apoyarnos. Contact/Llame Irene Sanchez
512-775-3332 or [email protected].
MARRIED COUPLES: How would you like to spend a
weekend away with your spouse before the holidaysjust
the two of you? Away from everything. Plan a getaway
to a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and
discover a method of communication that will deepen
and enrich your marriage. An upcoming weekend is
scheduled in Austin for November 8-10 at the Wyndham
Garden Hotel in South Austin. To apply online visit: or contact Zeb & Geraldine Evans: 512-
677-9963 or email [email protected]. Para
información en español llame al 512-825-7261.