After around six years of suffering a devotional declination in the parish of Notre Dame des Victoires, Pars, the Confraternity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was established in December 1836. Since then, there occurred voluminous conversions and miracles through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart. On April 24th,1838, Pope Gregory XVI, in his Apostolic Brief entitled this humble Confraternity as "The ARCHCONFRATERNITY of the Immaculate Heart of Mary." This Archconfraternity was honored with great privileges by the same
Pope. In September 2015, the information was received from the
hierarchy in exile that our Holy Father Pope Gregory XVIII, has given
full approval to recommence this Holy task.
Our organization started here at St Mary’s under our Pastor Fr. Ed Karasak in 2018.
Our mission is to promote devotion to our Blessed Mother through the image of her Immaculate Heart.
Under the guidance of our pastor, members serve and support ideas, projects and programs for the parish to benefit our community.
We have fundraisers throughout the year to help offset our society's events such as the Novena and Feast Day of St Mary of the Visitation as well as to give donations to our parish such as for the annual Jamaica.
If you are interested you may contact Juanita Perales or any Archicofradía member.
Oh Sweet Heart of Mary, Be the Salvation of My Soul!
Nuestra organización comenzó aquí en St Mary's bajo nuestro Pastor Fr Ed en 2018.
Nuestra misión es promover la devoción a nuestro Beato Madre a través de la imagen de su Inmaculado Corazón.
Bajo la guía de nuestro pastor, los miembros sirven yapoyar ideas, proyectos y programas para que la parroquia beneficiar a nuestra comunidad.
Tenemos eventos para recaudar fondos durante todo el año para ayudar a compensar los eventos de nuestra sociedad, como la Novena y el Día de la Fiesta de Santa María de la Visitación, así como para dar donaciones a nuestra parroquia, como para la celebración anual de Jamaica.
Si está interesado en convertirse en miembro, puede contactar con Juanita Perales o cualquier miembro de la Archicofradía.
¡Oh dulce Corazón de María, sé la salvación de mi alma!
President: Juanita Perales
VicePresident:Stella Limas
Secretary: Delia Sanchez
Treasurer: Diana Delgado
Members; Fred Limas,Ernestine Capello,
Maria Maciel,Tim Juarez, Candy Rayos,
Esther Juarez, Rene Rayos